Dyota's blog

Working at home

I've been fully working from home lately. This type of working lifestyle is very convenient, where the daily friction of getting yourself around your town and neighbourhood disappears! No more commute! However, to keep physically well, this means that I need to re-introduce that friction and movement for myself.

How to stay moving

It's important for me to remember to get up out of my chair. Sometimes it's difficult to do, especially when I'm deep in a complex problem and I'm holding lots of threads in my brain's RAM. I use a pomodoro timer as I work, and whenever the timer rings, that's usually a good indicator to get up out of the chair and look at something else for a few minutes.

Once I'm standing, I tend to refill my drink or go outside the house and walk around for a bit, without any goal in mind. I try to focus my eyes on things at different depths of vision, especially things that are far away, as the majority of my working time is spent focusing only at one distance (the computer screen) for extended periods of time.

Sometimes, when I need to think, I stand up and do something repetitive, like throwing and catching, or bouncing a ball. The movement helps me think, and the repetitive nature of it means that it's not getting in the way of what I'm thinking about. This is the kind of thing that you can't do in an office!


Making excuses for myself to get out of the house makes sure that I at least get a few minutes of sunlight.

These are things such as... - Check the mailbox at the end of the driveway - Check my worm farm in the garden

For a longer break such as a lunch break, I can walk to the local park to get some sunlight and move.


Working at home means eating at home, and I love taking advantage of it. Oftentimes, if I need to go to the office, I limit myself to foods that are easy to carry in a box, don't spill, that I don't have to cut, or have other inconvenient requirements.

Working at home means I can soups, food with runny sauces, or make a fresh sandwich. Having nice meals can take the dullness out of being in the same house and room day after day.

Have other commitments outside of the house

I have other communities that I belong to that forces me to leave the house on weekday nights. It's important for me to have actual live interaction with people, because I don't get this much if I'm working from home.

I play a sport which I train a few times a week, and I'm also on the board of the sporting association, which requires me to attend meetings once a month.

There are also several industry meet-ups groups that I subscribe to, which also gives me an excuse to venture out and meet people for real.