Dyota's blog

PowerShell: get all descendants


It's kind of like this one, but this time in PowerShell.

I wrote this up because I was considering doing this outside of Power Query. Recursive functions can take up a lot of processing time, and if I can move this out of the PQ flow, I can speed up the overall refresh speed.

using namespace System.Collections.Generic; # for List

This is the source data
"Anakin Skywalker","Shmi Skywalker"
"Luke Skywalker","Anakin Skywalker"
"Leia Organa","Anakin Skywalker"
"Ben Skywalker","Luke Skywalker"
"Jaina Solo","Leia Organa"
"Jacen Solo","Leia Organa"
"Anakin Solo","Leia Organa"
"Allana Solo","Jacen Solo"

$data = (Get-Content "./source.csv") | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ","

function getSubordinates ([string] $target) {
    return $data | Where-Object { $_.Parent -eq $target }

function getNextSubordinates ([List[string]] $targets) {
    return $targets | 
        ForEach-Object {
            getSubordinates $_

function recurse ([List[string]] $targets) {
    if ($targets.Count -ne 0) {
        $subordinates = $targets | ForEach-Object {
            getNextSubordinates $_
        $subordinates | ForEach-Object {
            [void] $out.Add($_.Name)
        recurse $subordinates.Name

[List[PSCustomObject]] $out = @()

[List[string]] $targets = @('Shmi Skywalker')

recurse $targets


#powershell #recursive