Dyota's blog

PowerShell for DAX: Filters applied

When there are a lot of filter objects on screen, especially when the UI design is not the cleanest, it can be difficult for users to understand at a glance which filters have been applied, and which values they are taking on.

I had wanted to have a "diagnostic" text box that showed exactly that: which filters were being put on, and which values they were applying. I did this by having a HTML text box display a measure, which generated some HTML.

I did this manually for a few filters, but the scope of the page grew so much that there are too many filters to take care of manually. So, I wrote this PowerShell script to make sure that I can generate the DAX that generates the HTML all at once.

# This script generates DAX code for the measure HTML\Filters Display in the main data model
# The purpose is to show which filters are being applied on screen, and what values are being taken on

using namespace System.Text; #for StringBuilder

$filters = @(
    # main filters
    @{displayName = 'Hubs';                           variable = 'hubs';                 table = 'refServiceLines';             column = 'Hub'}
    @{displayName = 'Service Lines';                  variable = 'servicelines';         table = 'refServiceLines';             column = 'Service Line Original'}
    @{displayName = 'Hubs (projects)';                variable = 'hubsprojects';         table = 'refServiceLinesProjects';     column = 'Hub'}
    @{displayName = 'Service Lines (projects)';       variable = 'servicelinesprojects'; table = 'refServiceLinesProjects';     column = 'Service Line Original'}
    @{displayName = 'Disciplines';                    variable = 'discipline';           table = 'disciplines';                 column = 'Discipline'}
    # @{displayName = 'Names';                          variable = 'peoplename';           table = 'people';                      column = 'Name'}
    @{displayName = 'People';                         variable = 'employeeNumber';       table = 'timecards';                   column = 'Employee Number'}
    @{displayName = 'Manager';                        variable = 'manager';              table = 'reportingHierarchy';          column = 'Management Chain'}
    @{displayName = 'Dates';                          variable = 'dates';                table = 'projectPeriods';              column = 'Date Week Ending'}
    @{displayName = 'Countries';                      variable = 'countries';            table = 'peopleLocation';              column = 'Country'}
    @{displayName = 'Cities';                         variable = 'cities';               table = 'peopleLocation';              column = 'City'}
    # Things that need to have something on them as a default
    @{displayName = 'Employment Status';              variable = 'employmentStatus';     table = 'people';                      column = 'Employment Status'}
    @{displayName = 'Time period';                    variable = 'period';               table = "'Project Periods Clamp'";     column = 'Period'}
    # @{displayName = 'Financial Years';                variable = 'finyear';              table = 'projectPeriods';              column = 'Financial Year'}
    @{displayName = 'Grades';                         variable = 'grade';                table = 'people';                      column = 'Grade'}
    @{displayName = 'Hours Types';                    variable = 'hourstypes';           table = 'timecards';                   column = 'Hours Type'}
    @{displayName = 'Project Name and Numbers';       variable = 'projectnamenumber';    table = 'timecardsProjects';           column = 'Project Name and Number'}
    @{displayName = 'Project Managers';               variable = 'pms';                  table = 'timecardsProjects';           column = 'Current Project Manager'}
    @{displayName = 'Chargeability Basis';            variable = 'chargeabilityBasis';   table = "'Chargeability Denominator'"; column = 'Basis'}
    @{displayName = 'Global Projects Hours Excluded'; variable = 'globalprojects';       table = 'timecardsProjects';           column = 'Exclude Global Project (text)'}
    @{displayName = 'International Projects Hours';   variable = 'international';        table = 'timecardsProjects';           column = 'International'}

function makeDax ([string] $variable, [string] $table, [string] $column) {
    if ($variable -eq 'employeeNumber') {
        return @"
VAR $variable = 
    VAR distinctElements = DISTINCT($table[$column])
    VAR countOfElements = COUNTROWS(distinctElements)
    VAR filtered = CONCATENATEX(distinctElements, [$column], delimiter)
    VAR everything = CALCULATE(CONCATENATEX(DISTINCT($table[$column]), [$column], delimiter), ALL($table))
        filtered = everything, 
        countOfElements & " selected"
    } elseif ($variable -in @('peoplename', 'discipline', 'dates', 'projectnamenumber', 'pms')) {
        return @"
VAR $variable = 
    VAR distinctElements = DISTINCT($table[$column])
    VAR countOfElements = COUNTROWS(distinctElements)
    VAR filtered = CONCATENATEX(distinctElements, [$column], delimiter)
    VAR everything = CALCULATE(CONCATENATEX(DISTINCT($table[$column]), [$column], delimiter), ALL($table))
        filtered = everything, 
            countOfElements > 5,
            countOfElements & " selected",
    } else {
    return @"
VAR $variable = 
    VAR filtered = CONCATENATEX(DISTINCT($table[$column]), [$column], delimiter)
    VAR everything = CALCULATE(CONCATENATEX(DISTINCT($table[$column]), [$column], delimiter), ALL($table))
    RETURN IF(filtered = everything, "All", filtered)

function makeHtmlTableRow ([string] $displayName, [string] $variable) {
    switch ($variable) {
        'employmentStatus' {
            return @"
    & IF(
        $variable = "All", 
        "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td style='color: #F43A4F'>All, including no longer employed</td></tr>", 
        "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td>" & $variable & "</td></tr>" 
        'finyear' {
            return @"
    & IF(
        $variable = "All", 
        "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td style='color: #F43A4F'>All, including past years</td></tr>", 
        "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td>" & $variable & "</td></tr>" 
        'period' {
            return @"
    & IF(
        $variable = "All", 
        "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td style='color: #F43A4F'>No time period selected</td></tr>", 
        "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td>" & $variable & "</td></tr>" 
        default {
            return @"
    & IF( $variable <> "All", "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>$displayName :</td><td>" & $variable & "</td></tr>" )


[PSCustomObject] $filters | Export-Csv '.\filters.csv'

# check that all variables are unique
$duplicates = ($filters.variable | group | ? { $_.Count -gt 1 })


$allVariablesUnique = $duplicates.count -eq 0

function out {
    $dax = [StringBuilder]::new()
    $htmlTable = [StringBuilder]::new()
    [void] $htmlTable.AppendLine("`"<div style='font-size: x-small;'>`"")
    [void] $htmlTable.AppendLine("& `"<b>Filters applied:</b><br>`"")
    [void] $htmlTable.AppendLine("& `"<table>`"")
    foreach ($_ in $filters) {
        [void] $dax.AppendLine($(makeDax -variable $_.variable -table $_.table -column $_.column))
        [void] $htmlTable.AppendLine($(makeHtmlTableRow -displayName $_.displayName -variable $_.variable))
    $out | Set-Content filters.txt
    [void] $htmlTable.AppendLine("& `"</table>`"")
    [void] $htmlTable.AppendLine("& `"</div>`"")
    [void] $htmlTable.ToString()
    [void] $dax.ToString()
    $out = @"
Filters Display = 
VAR delimiter = "; "
    # $out | scb
    $out > '.\full.txt'

if ($allVariablesUnique) {
} else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red 'Variable names are not unique'

#dax #html #powerbi #powershell