Dyota's blog

Ergonomics: Mouse ClickLock

I'm big on ergonomics and mouse usage.

One of the settings that I have on is ClickLock on in my mouse settings, so that I can depress the left mouse button a little bit, and it "keeps" the click on so that I can drag things around, even after I've let go of the physical mouse button (I click left again to release).

Sometimes, I need to let colleagues or my wife take over the computer as I'm working on it. The quickest way I've found to do this is to have a shortcut into the mouse settings.

Mouse settings in Windows actually lives here: C:\Windows\System32\main.cpl

Once there, the keyboard combo to turn ClickLock on/off is T, Enter.

I have a PowerShell function set up so that it calls the shortcut right away.

function cl {
    # this open up the mouse setting dialog window
    # use hotkeys T, Enter, to quickly en/disable ClickLock
    s 'C:\Windows\System32\main.cpl'

So in all, my key presses are cl, Enter, T, Enter.

#ergonomics #mouse #windows